

PHP is one of the most popular programming languages in the world because php is a very flexible programming language, easy to learn and well documented.

What is a Framework

In accordance with the meaning of the framework, framework is a skeleton that created to provide the basic structure to build an application. The framework is also intended to speed up the process of developing an application, to help build a more stable application and reduce the repetitive coding of programming.

O2System is a Framework

O2System is a framework that provides a basic structure that is arranged neatly in accordance with its designation. Equipped with a variety of php library-rich features make O2System very good to be used as the foundation of your application development.

O2System is a Connection

O2System is the only framework that allows web programmers and web designers to connect to one another in the same framework. Because in O2System already have user-interface, theme and template engine with language which is very easy to learn by either web programmer or web designer.

O2System is Lightning Fast

O2System is designed to deliver very fast rendering results with very small memory usage. It's really very light, slim and very fast. Feel the difference yourself, even with a very small resource its already equipped with services that are very useful and fascinating.

O2System is Powerful

O2System comes with full-range of libraries and most commonly needed libraries in application development, such as sessions, cache, image manipulation, security and much more. Also equipped with dependency management via Composer which allows you to add new libraries according to your application development needs.

O2System is Extensible

O2System is a system that is very easy to expand either using the libraries, helper functions even you can also hook your own system into it.

O2System is Free

The O2System Framework is licensed under the MIT license so you can use it as you see fit. For more information please read the license agreement.

O2System is used Semantic Versioning

The O2System Framework applies the Semantic Versioning system since v2.0.0, last stable version v5.0.0-alpha.

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